Monday, 16 July 2012

Is there a cure for colour blindness?

As of today there is no known treatment which can heal colour blindness.

Colour vision deficiency is in most cases a congenital disease based on some corrupted chromosomes. In this case, only some form of gene therapy could give you back normal colour vision. At the moment there are some scientists doing experiments with mice, trying to inject them colour vision genes and revert their colour blindness. But we are still far away from a treatment for humans—if there will be any in the near future at all.

It’s a little bit different with some form of acquired colour blindness. Aging, drugs, alcohol, some form of other diseases and even a hard hit on your head can also cause a colour vision deficiency. In this case, it could be possible that this state can be reverted. There is also no treatment available. But it is reported, that some persons who were colourblind after a hard hit on their head, regained the ability of normal color vision again after a certain timespan.

There are a few people who claim that Chinese acupuncture can help colourblind people to see and distinguish more colours.

The only possibility for colourblind people are some sort of colour correcting lenses. They can’t give you back normal colour vision but might help you to broaden your perceived colour spectrum in certain cases. But also this is no cure for colour blindness.


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